21 Sep

Menopause and your skin - is there something you can do

By Admin

Menopause and your skin: is there something you can do?

Your wisdom and confidence may grow as you get older, but the same isn't true for many of your hormone levels. During menopause, lower levels of estrogen have a big impact on your skin. Less estrogen makes you prone to thinning, sagging, and wrinkling. Fortunately, you can relieve some of the skin-related effects of aging by taking care of your specific skin care needs.
Systematic visits of 50+ women to beauty parlors, not long ago, were a rarity, because it was common to “accept the passage of time”. Today mature women are aware of their mature beauty, are open to the “aging well” trend and more and more willing to use home-care cosmetics, live actively and also expect high skills of the beauty parlor personnel.
Get Glowing Skin Now- seven steps of skin care- Properly tailored home care is a prophylactic action aimed at deceleration of the skin ageing.

1. Cleansing: The key is using a cleanser that's right for drier skin. So, opt for a creamy formula that hydrates instead of foam or gel cleansers, which can strip moisture away. 

2. Hydrating: Try to give skin more moisture with a heavier cream. Use moisturizer on your face, jawline and neck every day, and look for skin care products designed to help fight fine lines and sagging and that lead to a brighter appearance overall. Honey and yoghurt are natural hydrating can be used regularly. 

3. Sun Protection: Use a broad-spectrum SPF of 30 or higher, and wear it every day, will decrease age spots. Exposure to sun is major cause of skin problems.

4. Massage and its properties are known from time immemorial: Reflexology face massage with an anti-wrinkle and relaxation effect. It causes stimulation of the acupuncture zones and points and activates one of the brain centers resulting in elimination of nervous tension and helping removal of the negative metabolism products. Moreover, this procedure efficiently counteracts creation of new wrinkles, facilitates blood and lymph flow (prevents swelling), makes the skin excellently firm, corrects the eye and mouth corners and activates regeneration processes (e.g. after a surgery).Use blended oil mixture of almond, rosewood and sandalwood oils.

5. Hit the Spots: Fade them with exfoliating products that shed dead skin cells, which can be dull and flaky. Skin-lightening products can help fade spots. Toners can also help even out skin color. Use homemade masks made of banana, aloe-vera, honey, almond  with milk.

6. Skip the chemicals in skin care products:  Skin care products contain chemical ingredients that remove natural oils and dry out your skin. Prime skin irritants to avoid include sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS),( makes soaps and shampoos foamy)and triclosan, a common ingredient in antibacterial soaps and deodorants. Also steer clear of synthetic dyes and preservatives. Look for skin care products that cut out these synthetic chemicals and use natural, skin-friendly ingredients such as shea butter or coconut oil.

7. Ditch the itch: For instant relief from itchy skin, add a scoop of oatmeal to your bath. Oatmeal contains soothing plant chemicals called avenanthramides (derived from the name for the oat plant: Avena sativa) that help reduce itchiness and inflammation. Lactic acid in milk is another dry skin soother. Cover an itchy patch of skin with a cloth soaked in milk and see if it offers some relief. (Leave it on for about 5 minutes.) 

7 ways to get your glow back — naturally

1. Give your collagen levels a nutritious boost: Collagen is a protein manufactured by the body that provides structure and elasticity to skin. You can help your body make more collagen by eating foods rich in vitamin C and sulfur — two building-blocks of collagen. Foods high in vitamin C include red peppers, strawberries, guava, kale and citrus. For sulfur-rich foods, try broccoli, cauliflower, arugula and garlic.Take diet rich in soya  and superfoods.

2. Replenish your “inner oil well”: Take a good omega-3 supplement that includes eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). EPA offers special benefits to skin by regulating oil production and blocking enzymes that diminish collagen levels. Because it’s an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, EPA also helps repair and protect damaged skin. Good dietary sources of EPA include oily fish like wild-caught salmon. Another oil your skin will love is gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). Sources include borage oil and black currant seed oil.

3. Keep your skin hydrated: Drink adequate water over the course of the day, but also avoid the dehydrating effect of frequent hot baths or showers. 

4. Decrease stress-start walking: Stress can make your skin drier and more sensitive. It can also trigger conditions like psoriasis. And if you're stressed out, you might even forget your skin care routine. Try yoga, meditation, and other stress-reduction techniques to help you relax. Exercise also boosts circulation, which begins to slow with age. The extra oxygen and blood flow can help your skin look brighter and healthier.

5. Have healthy and active sexual life: Emotional bonding with life partner is essential along with use of vaginal moisturiser for an active sexual life.

6. Bulk Up on Beauty Sleep: Sleep can help prevent dark circles under your eyes, and it also gives the rest of your body a chance to recharge. Lack of sleep can change your hormone levels and metabolism in many of the same ways that aging does. So shoot for a solid 7 to 9 hours of shut-eye every night. 
7. Support your overall health: To a large degree, our skin reflects our internal health. A diet loaded with fast foods and sweets will impact your skin, as will inflammation, accumulation of toxins, chronic sleep deficits, and excessive stress. Nutrition matters!  Your thyroid status  vitamin D level, for example, correlates directly with your skin’s ability to stay hydrated . 

Follow a skin care regime and attend to your overall health : your skin will thank you!

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